Thursday, 27 March 2014

Tree of Life

I consider this one of the most beautiful painting to flow from Farheena's paint brush.
That is going up on my wall!


  1. Awwwww Farida is beautiful. One of the few times, when the screen has gone a little blurry for me. Farheena can probably sense a whole lot more than I can.

    One look at it and it clearly defines life in three phases. The first two we all know of. It is the third, where we return to the universe, that has me captivated......beautiful...........really, beautiful. Cherish it while you can.....coz I am going to ask for it when I come to Bangalore

  2. This is so deep and profound! I can actually see what would have behind her mind as she painted this.... and yet I know I cannot put that feeling through the way she did so beautifully! <3
